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For Women in Christian Ministry—
Tell Your Story
Are you a woman who is a pastor, teacher, or leader in a Christian context but who has had to overcome obstacles because you are woman? Have you been prevented from becoming a pastor, teacher, or leader in a Christian context? Would you like to tell your story for a book?
The aim:
The aim of the book is simply to tell the stories of women who are in Christian ministry or who have been prevented from being in Christian ministry. These stories will help others to understand the personal dimension of the gender issue in the church and encourage women who are considering becoming pastors.
What is the title of the book?
Divine Call: How Women Leaders Overcome Ministry Challenges
The procedure:
One of the editors will listen to your story via telephone or Skype and record it. Then we will transcribe it and make it into a readable account, using your words. You will look at the account and approve it or suggest changes. The book will consist largely of such accounts.
Your story:
We want to hear about your faith journey—what led you to want to be a pastor, teacher, or Christian leader, and what obstacles you had to overcome.
Your name will not appear in the book, and we will not reveal your identity. You retain the right to approve your story before the book goes to an agent or publisher. We will send you a confidentiality agreement.
Send a short paragraph about yourself to us at One of us will write you back. If we decide to proceed, we will set a time to talk via telephone or Skype.
About the editors:
Lisa Ackland Carriere has taught poetry, drama, introduction to literature, composition, argument and research, creative writing, and developmental English at the college level for ten years, including Northern Illinois University and Trinity International University. She has written nine books for Awana Clubs International—four Bible study program books, a manual, and four books in collaboration with others, one of which required her to gain content from numerous international personnel on each continent, edit it thoroughly, and format it for translation and publication. In her Bible study writing, she has sought to match her audience’s age-appropriate needs with a new perspective on the depth and beauty of God’s Word. She also has experience in rewriting and updating material. Lisa has spoken to international audiences that speak a number of different first languages, and she has experience in coaching interpreters as well. Her Web site is at
Cliff Williams taught philosophy full-time 1968-2012.
He is now Visiting Professor at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois, and Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at Trinity College in Deerfield, Illinois. He has written a number of articles and books, both academic and non-academic, including two interview books: One More Train to Ride: The Underground World of Modern American Hoboes, published by Indiana University Press in 2003, and Choosing to Live Again: Stories of Those Who Stepped Away from Suicide, in preparation. His Web site is at
Our e-mail address:
What’s in it for you?
You get to see your story in print. You will have the satisfaction of knowing that it will contribute to helping people understand the personal dimension to gender issues in the church. Your story will encourage other women who want to become pastors, teachers, or leaders. And if you have never told your whole story to anyone, this is your chance to tell it to someone who will listen attentively and non-judgmentally.
Why are we doing this book?
We want to give a voice to women who have had to overcome obstacles in becoming pastors, teachers, or leaders, or who have not been able to fulfill their aspirations to pastor, teach, or lead because they are women. We want to encourage women who desire to become pastors, teachers, or leaders.
If we meet or talk on the phone, we will ask you what led up to your wanting to become a pastor, teacher, or leader. We will also ask you other questions, including some of the following:
What obstacles did you encounter in becoming a pastor?
How have the obstacles you have encountered affected your faith?
Have you lost friends?
Did you have others supporting you or were you alone?
What special considerations do you need to be aware of because you are a woman pastor?
Can you describe an incident that epitomizes your struggle in ministry and how you reacted to it?
In what ways have men reacted badly to you? How have you responded?
Have you thought about leaving the church?
What would you have liked for someone to have said to you when you were going through difficult times?
What keeps you going now?